The candle casting machine allows to produce relatively efficiently straight, waved and conical table candles, as well as communion candles, blessed or paschal candles and artistic candles. Depending on the type of candle produced and the desired capacity, the device is equipped with a dozen or several hundred sockets made of zinc, stainless steel or aluminium alloy.
The sockets are filled with properly prepared paraffin and then cooled with water (in a closed system) to accelerate the solidification of paraffin.
Machines are available in manual version - completely non-electric or with electric drive, which is used with devices with more sockets. With a smaller number of sockets, the finished candles are squeezed out of the forms by turning the handle, which lifts up the ejectors, pushing the candles out of the bushing. Those candles are provided to the so-called catchers that hold the product to complete hardening while centring the wick in the bushing. Cheaper machines with less sockets do not have catchers.
We also offer machines in a semi-stainless version for chemically active raw materials.
Table candles casting machine
Cylindrical candles casting machine
Table candles casting machine
Table candles casting machine
Machine for drawing candles - table, church
This machine is used for the production of drawn candles with a diameter of dozen to several dozen of millimetres. Production takes place by repeatedly dipping the frame on which the wicks are rolled. Each time a frame is immersed, another layer of paraffin is put on a wick. This machine has six vertically movable arms. They are assembled on a hexagonal wheel. Frames with rolled wicks are hung on those arms. These frames are submerged one by one, turning the wheel of the machine like in a carousel. Only one paraffin melter is used for production.
Optional equipment:
- frame winder;
- frame rack;
- saw for cutting candles;
- candle miller.
A machine for casting blessed candles and communion candles
Machine for casting table candles
Machine for casting table candles
Machine for casting cylindrical candles
Machine for casting cylindrical, paschal candles
Spools winder
It allows to quickly and efficiently rewind the wick from large spools on to smaller ones, which are placed in cassettes of candle making machines. It has a programmable rev-counter, which will turn off the device after reaching the target setting.
Machine working parameters set up by the User:
- winding speed – smoothly, using a potentiometer;
- distance between the coils of the wound string – using a string positioner knob;
- width of the wound spool – the scope as agreed with the customer – using a tightening knob and string positioning guides;
- total length of the wound string on the spool – regulated by a pulse revolution counter.
The machine can be designed for a specified by the customer range of spools is
The Spools Winder consists of electric drive unit, control and power system, spools fixing system, safety shields and linear string positioner.